Tuesday, December 16, 2008


the beautiful snowy sunday turned into a blustery 20-degree monday. i wore more layers than my poor little body could handle.

layer 0: bra, undies, wool blend socks
layer 1: tank top, silk long underwear
layer 2: short-sleeved t-shirt, pants, boots
layer 3: long-sleeved t-shirt
layer 4: wool sweater, neck-tie as scarf
layer 5: cashmere overcoat, pashmina shawl, beret

people who live in cold climates must do a LOT of laundry.

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At 8:16 PM, Blogger Xen Xen said...

I will see your 20-deg day and raise you a 2-deg (not counting wind chill) day in which a girl insists on going outside and then complaining about how her hands are cold, because those one-size fits all gloves are not warm enough and she left her mittens at her friends house on the LAST snow day!!! Arctic freeze never meant SO much!


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