Tuesday, September 02, 2008

no title; too irritated and tired

i saw a girl on the bus reading a book and she kept smiling. when she sat in front of me, i tried to read over her shoulder and decided that it was either a mystery or a romance novel.

so we're trying to quit smoking again. and i just watched the first episode of mad men. not only does everyone in their 60s-world smoke every chance they get, but the episode was about smoking. the characters talk about it abstractly, they discuss how everyone loves to do it... even the gynecologist smokes during a pap. fercrissakes people!

okay, that's it. it's only the third day and i don't feel too bad, but i'm annoyed with the show. i'm gonna go watch another episode with the dogs.

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At 11:09 PM, Blogger Xen Xen said...

Someday you should experience the Serbian (Orthodox Christian, I might add) 'Mafia' types who chain smoke through everything, never have an empty glass, stay for some 4 hours and never use the bathroom, but they would probably be chain smoking in there too! Nicest people you'll ever meet, and they'll have yer back, too! Anyhoo! Good on ya' mate! Go fer it, hope the stopping smoking sticks this time around...


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