Monday, August 29, 2005

Bartlet for President '08

It rained today. No, it poured, and I loved it. Okay, so I was inside all day, but work was frighteningly busy and crazy, so the drumming on the roof was soothing. And then I got high off of some tape. I had no idea that 3M made something that revolting. Isaac, one of the new teachers, was telling me that he thinks masking tape smells like salmon and blue tape like blueberries. Whatever this rubbery white tape was, it totally made me simultaneously queasy and giddy.

Now I am home. It's quiet.


Oh, who am I kidding. I am going to make a tuna sammy and a cocktail, put on some pants that don't squeeze the life out of me, and watch season 3 of the West Wing. I'm entitled dammit! I am currently coming down from a severe tape high and I think I deserve a little White House baloney. I still can't fast forward to the second chapter until I see the face of Rob Lowe. I am so warped from my training. The theme song is like Pavlov's bell and I immediately begin drooling for Cheetos. Only the drool doesn't pour through a spigot in my cheek.

The good thing about rainy, chilly weather and not doing my laundry is that all I have left in my closet are things that one would wear when it's a wee bit nippy. Yay, I get to put off the laundry thing for a couple of days.

Previously on the West Wing...


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