Thursday, August 18, 2005

Three Scenes: Part One

Three scenes in and around Ashland involving:

Me--28, narrator
Caitlin--24, my sister
Pete--23, my brother

Aurelia--27, my other sister, somehow does not figure into any of these scenes probably because a) she was in Colorado, b) she was staying home with Katherine, my niece, or c) she's ornery in general.

Note: These scenes are not quite verbatim because many times they involved alcohol, disbelief, and my siblings who are a bit crazy. I'm also not certain about chronological order...

Ashland, Oregon. Possibly early fall, but I'm not sure. Peter, Caitlin and I were walking toward the Beau Club, Ashland's diviest dive. If your night ends with the Dirty Beau, you could 1. vomit, 2. forget things, 3. get in a fight, 4. see people you might not want to see. It was the afternoon and I remember giggling, so we must've come from a bar.

Peter: Caitlin, I don't think it's very cool that you cheated on Gunther.

Me: Pete, wait a minute, didn't you, like, cheat on all of your girlfriends?

Peter: (Indignant) No, I've never cheated on anyone.

Caitlin: (Very annoyed) Um, Pete, I'm pretty sure I was there when you cheated on one of them and I know for a fact about a few others.

Peter: Well, maybe just a couple of times, but look how many people I've been with.

Me--start laughing, can't stop, eyes watering, almost peeing.

Me: (After catching my breath) So... the more people you date, the less the cheating matters? This is how it works?

Caitlin: (Seething, stops Peter in the middle of the sidewalk and points her finger in his face.) Peter, don't even presume to be smarter than me.

Me--(resume laughing) That was beautiful.

(My brother is sometimes a very large asshole.)


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