Friday, June 03, 2005

A Lesson in Renjitsu

Here's what I think:
When you feel bad, look good.

It's a shallow high, admittedly, but when life smacks you around, calls you its bitch, and then tops it off with a red-wine hangover, I say put on a little makeup, some sassy shoes, tight pants; whatever makes you feel good.

Sean's friend Gabby always says that if you dress especially well when you have a hangover, the costume will hide the shittiness that you feel. I believe that this can work for feelin' down.

I know that adorning oneself with superficial armor is not a healthy, progressive, or mature tactic for dealing with life's little cankers. Sometimes, though, it helps to get through a day that would otherwise be spent in pajamas reading a trashy novel and chain-smoking.

So today I wear my silver heels and tight levis in the hope that as I walk zombie-style with a bizarre rictus stretched across my face, patrons and co-workers will not quite notice the roiling mass of despondency and uncertainty that lurks so close to the surface.

Plus, I'm really tired.


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