Thursday, April 28, 2005

Vocab, American Past-time, the Pope, Some Blasphemy, and Nickels

I am having a really hard time with the words "complement" and "compliment." My brain struggles to differentiate. I know I should just look the fuckers up and expand my brain, 'specially since I'm sitting in a library, but I want someone else to tell me.

Here's what I think:
--Baseball, sunshine, barbecues, and beer are very complementary. As are red and purple, biscuits and gravy, Hall and Oates.

--However, I am not fishing for compliments when I say that I am a lazy sot.


Baseball--drunken cheers, hot dogs with breath-killing toppings, bat cracking, mitt slapping, tight uniforms, umpire ass. Oh my effing lord, I am so excited.

Speaking of the lord, a girl came into the library looking for a picture of B16 [the new pope.] I gushed about how creepy he is and she said "I know! Everytime he smiles I think he should have pointy metal teeth and a black tongue..." Bliss. If anyone sends me a glorious photoshopped image of this i will love you forever and probably pee myself with laughter and fright. If you happen to catch a photo of the real thing... Lord help us all.

Here's something weird. I pulled this nickel out of my pocket today:

It's from the Westward Journey nickel series. It's amazing to me how the government loves to commemorate the "triumphs" of the settlers over the land and people. It's icky, just icky.


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