Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Misery is a butterfly. Clamp, that is.

'Sweekend is my brother's 23d birthday. Shucks.

I made him a notebook out of some paper that Ashley gave me and other random materials that I have. I love to be able to make neat gifts, especially when I am so po'. Here's the notebook closed:

And here's the notebook open:

The red thingy is a small envelope for small secret treasures. I hope he doesn't put weed in it.

Sometimes I wonder if my obsession with office supplies is a problem. It's not so bad at a store like Staples or Office Depot because they are so huge and overwhelming. What gets me are the school bookstores, art supply stores, and mom 'n' pop organizations. I see the neatly stacked rows and aisles of little boxes of mystery, columns of blank notepads, and cylinders of pens and pencils. My heart beats faster and I wonder if I should buy brads or hole-reinforcements. Rulers, scissors, erasers. Paper-clips, labels, tacks. Binder clips, dry-erase boards, clip-boards, and chalk! Oh my.

Perhaps it is the promise of organization, the tantalizing purity and virginity of such supplies that excites me. I despise clutter, yet I am a stashing rodent. When I was in primary school, I loved to shop for the annual supply list. There was not a beginning of year sanction on supplies like the one that my Mom decreed for new clothes. I could organize and use my supplies before the first day. Now I work in a library and the supply posibilities have grown exponentially. Special stickers, forms, tapes, and boxes. Sigh.

I got too much sleep last night. This was apparent to me this morning when I started having the wacky too-much-sleep dreams. These are different from the fun/scary/lesson dreams that I usually have. This sort of dream is where my brain says, "Aw, fuck it," and just lets loose with whatever happens to be floating around in there.

3 hours later (I love the Save as Draft feature): I went to "lunch" with Jason at Slabtown. Lunch consisted of chicken strips, soggy fries and well gins and tonic. Very nice lunch. I had to close the library because I don't have any work-study students tonight. Guilt abounds when this happens.

Whatevs. Sure, they probably have papers due tomorrow, but I needs my lunch. Heehee.

So two more hours to go before I get to close. dang. dung.

I love the butterfly clamps.


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