Welcome to the way of the nubbin.
Ooh, my first journal. It's so scary. Not really, 'specially since they're not called... gulp... blogs! Ew, I hate that term; it's so very "hip." Not to say that I don't desperately love many things from pop culture--the O.C., Madonna, and Vitamin Water--I just get tired of all the stupid terms we have for things. Therefore, you will never hear (read) these things from me:
911 or nine-eleven--I will NEVER refer to the horrific events of September 11, 2001 in this way. These terms are offensive.
blog--come on, it's a web-log or a journal or an oozing of my brain juices. blog sounds like the regurgitation caused by bubble tea.
actress--I refer to them all as actors. Period. Or I call them idiots depending on the person, but I am trying to restart the usage of "ix" as a suffix, so Actrix for the female type...
classy--if I ever use this word be aware that I mean it sarcastically. For example: Paris Hilton is one classy dame too bad she sux as an actrix. See?
I'm sure I'll think of more terms that annoy me and will update as soon as my brain juices get to oozing again.